
Even Permutations and Some Simple Non-Abelian Groups

In this entry we prove that A_n is simple when n >= 5. We then use this result to prove that there is no generalization of “even” and “odd” permutation to three or more classes – i.e. there is no class of homomorphisms into Z_n, where n > 2.
Partial Orders Lattices and Some Subgroups

Partial Orders Lattices and Some Subgroups

In this article we mostly talk about partial orders, and lattices, which are a special type of partial order. We tie it in with our discussions of subgroups before proving two distribution laws for lattices.
Counting Orbits Sylows Theorems etc... (I)

Counting Orbits Sylows Theorems etc... (I)

In the previous entry, we gave a laborious proof that a group with an even number of elements has to have an element of order 2. We can do much better than that. We’ll show how by proving some famous theorems that were originally due to Sylow.